An online record of the trials and tribulations of a mother-doctor-foodaholic with low tolerance for deadlines, lego on the floor and carbs.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Back to Blogging and Flogging

It's been quite a while and I bet no one is reading this blog anyway (of the teeny few that were actually clued in previously). Who cares then as long as I have a little niche in cyberspace!

Been a little busy - was Mapling madly for a while, but have had to settle down drastically since starting the Intentional Discipleship Training course. After all, we are reminded to simplify our pace, priorities, possessions and purpose! So poor Gingerkat and Tabbykat are literally trailing in oblivion. But kudos to Loyalcleric for reaching level 100! Hope he gets the Zakum helmet. But both Ginger and Tabby have been having makeovers and Ginger obviously for the worse...

Chinese New Year swings around again and this year I am completely not ready for it. Made some pineapple tarts and almond cookies, which the kids finished in record time. Now I have to make some more just for entertaining over that period. Last year, was so into making the buah keluak etc but am so busy this year that I really have a laissez-faire attitude to the whole holiday.

With re: new gadgets, I am finally growing to like my Treo 750v. Took a while to get used to it and to set up the internet, but it's pretty cool now. Don't quite understand how come I have to reset it everyonce in a while to get my internet going again though. Must be Singtel... but it is a completely different lifestyle to be able to get to my email 24/7. Helpful since I am on the go a lot. I think I may be becoming something of a "Blackberry addict". Not that this is a Blackberry of course (sorry Palm!).

Ah yes, and had an entertaining evening with the Buccaneers with a lovely '86 Chateau Lynch Bages (thanks, Erle!). Had a grand time panning the system and various stalwarts of the establishment. I will insist at this late point however that it was the wine talking...


Blogger MOG said...

welcome back to cyberspce :)

6:40 AM

Blogger Hungry Doc said...

hey - blame it on trying to cold turkey maple story! Happy CNY!

4:10 PM


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