An online record of the trials and tribulations of a mother-doctor-foodaholic with low tolerance for deadlines, lego on the floor and carbs.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The 2 wrecks in my life

I've been a little too busy to blog lately - May is a horrendous month, with grant writing and stuff to do. Plus I went to Bali for 3 days, to celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary with significant other (how have we survived each other for so long?!?), which was really fun, except that had major gastroenteritis (merlion act)for the next 2 days. Bali was lovely, and the massages were divine. I think that tourists hadn't quite come back after the bombings. Significant other went swimming one morning and the waves were so rough that when a giant wave crashed on him, he lost both his glasses and his swimming costume. Luckily, he managed to save his swimsuit if not he'd have been quite a show for the hotel.

On the way back from the airport, we got into an accident - Car #3 in a 3 car pile up (honestly it was the 1st car's fault for swerving into the right lane!). That in itself was pretty eventful because we couldnt drive our car after that because the side was dented in and rubbing against the wheel. Had to wait for the tow truck, and I got to ride on the tow truck with pieces of luggage piled on top of me...

The second wreck of course is poor roomie who had her FESS done for her chronic sinusitis. Needless to say, she had her usual slaves running circles around her (her long suffering mum and Ning). She actually allowed me to take a picture of her post-op, but refused to look at it after it was taken. Anyway, she's gone home now, and probably will be functional in a couple of days' time (sort of).


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