Love is in the air

Yesterday's conversation with 4 year old Steffi.
"Mummy, I have a boyfriend you know."
Mummy semi-comatose post-horrendous clinic. "Nguh"
"Mummy I am going to get married to Gareth."
Mummy finally wakes up. "Really? Why do you want to marry him?"
"Because he likes me, laaah" Singlish accent popping out from who knows where.
Big Brother Ben jumps into conversation. "Does he go to church? You should only marry someone who goes to church you know"
"I dunno" Rapidly losing interest in conversation. "Mummy, can I have this dress? I want the Sleeping Beauty dress so that I can look soooo beautiful. Mummy, do you know I held hands with Isaiah today?"
I cannot keep up with this girl.
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