whipped to perfection!

Busy busy busy - MBBS round the corner and providing cases for 240 students is a logistical nightmare. Anyway, since I've neglected the blog for every so long, have to make a little note (culinary wise) about my attempts at whipping cream.
My previous experience with trying to whip cream in Singapore had been a disaster because of our weather and my micro-sized sauna-type kitchen. This time, we couldn't find Coolwhip for the dessert and good old significant other bought me like a liter of whipping cream to compensate. So here is my method to ensure success:
2 metal bowls, the larger one filled with ice and the smaller one placed on top (like a Bain Marie). Pop whipping cream into freezer for 3 min (along with metal beaters). Whip the cream in an air-conditioned room using a mixer at moderate speed.
It worked! Nice texture, absolutely unbelievable considering my previous experience trying to ice my brother's tiramisu cake.
BTW, here is a little recipe on whipped cream that will go on nicely on pies, coffee, and the like.
Pie topping recipe:
250 ml whipping cream
3 tbsp icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla paste (nicer than regular essence - can see little vanilla pod bits in it)
Whip together in as cold an environment as possible for about 3 - 5 minutes.
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