An online record of the trials and tribulations of a mother-doctor-foodaholic with low tolerance for deadlines, lego on the floor and carbs.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Back in action

Okay, i've been away for a while - busyness is no longer an excuse, no matter how true. Even my hairdresser's comment is "wah - you very busy this year, har?" when I commented on how lucky he was able to take off on a cruise in the Mediterranean. I might as well confess and get on with it. I've been sucked into this giant online game "Maple Story" - see picture with my alter ego Gingerkat, a measly level 37 bandit...My excuse is that it helps me to connect with my son and miscellaneous kids I meet. But it is highly addictive and I can deeply sympathize with my teenage patients who stay up all night on the computer. Which is why I have concluded - NEVER allow your kid to have a computer in his/her own room.

Anyway, with re: food related stuff - last Saturday, had some friends over on a slim excuse. I had been tipped off that IKEA (the furniture store, yes!) had crayfish from Sweden. Apparently it was a once yearly affair and value for money. So off I went trotting to IKEA for my 1kg package of bugs. Served it with some garlic aioli with tartar sauce as an alternative. Preparing the crayfish was awfully easy - just brought a pot to boil, threw in all the crayfish, salt and a few sprigs of dill, kept boiling for 5 minutes, then turned off fire and covered pot tightly.

The bugs were quite tasty but a little fiddly. Good thing I didn't bother to get Significant Other involved as he hates anything that needs more than the usual fine motor activity. With regards the discussion years ago about whether men should peel prawns for their wives/girlfriends, Significant Other certainly would NOT do it, but probably because of inability more than anything else.

Looking forward to October when I get to learn how to make pizza properly. One of my friends gave me a pizza oven - thanks a million, Alice! Can't wait to get started. Will probably have a pizza party soon.